Topic outline

  • Is handwriting instruction necessary?

    The answer is YES!

    Researchers Karin James and Virginia Berninger explain how evidence from brain research supports the teaching of handwriting. Research shows that learning to write by hand has positive effects on letter learning, word reading, and writing. Research further shows that keyboarding complements but should not replace learning and using handwriting.

    In their words, "given the research evidence for effective handwriting instruction and its importance for literacy learning (both reading and writing), the question of whether handwriting is necessary in the computer era should be replaced with the following: How can educators justify not teaching handwriting as well as computer tools during the elementary and middle school grades?"1

    For more information from researchers, read Handwriting in the 21st Century (linked below), a summary of findings shared at an education summit about handwriting.   Visit Handwriting 21 Summit on Facebook.

    1James, Karin and Virginia Berninger. "Brain research shows why handwriting should be taught in the computer age." Bulletin. Volume 51, No 1, Autumn 2019, pp. 25-30. Learning Difficulties Australia. 
    [ Note: This is a Special Issue: Writing and Writing Difficulties ]

    • Video Sketch: Why should we teach handwriting skills? (10m 21s)

    • Research Shows Why Handwriting Belongs in Today's Classroom. 
      A Summary of Research Presented at

      Handwriting in the 21st Century
      An Educational Summit

    • Video Sketch:  Alice Nine models how to teach letter formation with the introduction of phonograms -- teaching letter, letter formation, and sounds.  (16m 00s)

      Please note: This is a training video from our professional development course JCSpell Word Study.

    • Video Sketch: Does JCSpell have student songs for letters? Should we use air writing for handwriting practice? Can we practice letter formation without pencil and paper? (07m 15s)

      Please note: This is a training video from our professional development course JCSpell Word Study.  It is one of several videos about how to teach handwriting; other videos include how to teach posture, pencil gripping, writing lines and margins, and how to assess handwriting. 

    • Teachers share that this is one of the best online phonic / handwriting resources.

      View video clips that show the formation of each of the 26 lower case letters in manuscript (print). The clock face is used as a backdrop to form the letters.

      PhonogramPage is an Alice Nine website.

      Link to it on your school website or class page.
      Share with parents for their easy and free at-home practice of letter formation as well as phonograms (sounds with letters or letter combinations).

    • Video Sketch: How do we write a cursive m? (01m 44s)

      Please note: This video is from our professional development course JCSpell Word Study.

    • Video Sketch: How do we write a cursive z? (02m 06s)

      Please note: This video is from our professional development course JCSpell Word Study.

    • Video Sketch: What are the connecting lines we use in cursive? (05m 52s)

      Please note: This video is from our professional development course JCSpell Word Study.

    • Lesson taught by Alice Nine in our Academy course  "Cursive Handwriting."
      Open the link to view this video in Facebook.
      For best viewing, enter "fullscreen" and be sure to turn on your sound.

    • Lesson taught by Alice Nine in our Academy course  "Cursive Handwriting."
      Open the link to view this video in Facebook.

      For best viewing, enter "fullscreen" and be sure to turn on your sound.

    • Lesson taught by Alice Nine in our Academy course  "Cursive Handwriting."
      Open the link to view this video in Facebook.
      For best viewing, enter "fullscreen" and be sure to turn on your sound.

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